Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One Month to Go

I am down to a month to go. The trust that I have in God to provide has been tested each day, but I still trust Him to provide. I have learned a great lesson this past two months raising funds.
God has given us much, and from those given much much is expected. I also have learned that God has control of everything. Down to every penny. I am in a place that all I am able to do is trust the Lord. HE PROVIDES!
Just the other day I saw a parent of a student that I taught this last year. They asked how things are, and how the missions has been going. I informed them that I am still working on raising funds. They told me to give them a call.
As the conversation went we got to the financial commitment part. What I was hearing was their finances are really tight, down to the penny, so as human as I am I thought they might be able to help at about $20 or $30 a month. However, God had something else in mind. They told me that they would be able to help out at $75 a month! What a blessing.
I still lean on the Lord to be able to provide the funds. Please pray the financial support comes in. Also, pray the Lord will use me while here and in Praha.

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