Thursday, March 26, 2009


the other week as I was working in the garden of one of my teammates I was shown the meaning of selfless acts. Many people of the Czech Republic own small gardens. In these gardens there is typically a small cottage, some look like shacks others are decently made and look very solid. Martin, one of the guys that I run with and now I get a ride with to and from practice, has a garden in Prague. The other day I joined him in cleaning and preparing the garden for the spring season. We spent a couple hours raking leaves and dry grass into a large pile to burn.
The weather in Prague right now changes by the hour. Just two days ago the morning was clear and windy, by the evening there was heavy snow. Within an hour the skies cleared, and then the snow returned about 30 minutes later.
While raking we were walking on ground that has been softened by the scattered showers. In turn my shoes were covered by mud. As I was going to directly to teaching at the university I was trying to knock the dirt off my shoes. As we walked out Martin told me to stop. He then stooped down and gathered some dry grass. With the dry grass he wiped the mud from my shoes. I stood there with my jaw dropped.

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